Universal Recovery Corporation

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Universal Recovery Corporation offers check recovery with zero out of pocket expense to your company. We want all businesses to avoid getting NSF checks but we are there when help is needed. Universal Recovery Corporation's check recovery is free to merchants because the fee is paid by the check writer.  We accept checks for collections up to four years old. We collect your returned checks while you maintain a good relationship with your customers. When you let us handle your check recovery problems, you know that we are dedicated to collecting your money. 


NSF check collection and check recovery can be a burden on a merchant's business. We know that bad checks are not the only problems a business faces but it could be the end of your business! This is a service with an open contract and zero out of pocket expenses.


Don't turn away customers with the fear of accepting checks.


There are many benefits we offer over other companies.

  • We do not charge you to collect any returned checks recovered that are up to four years old.
  • The check writer pays for the returned check, NOT YOU.